Pitch Meeting Debrief Advertising

Pitch Meeting Debrief Advertising

Date: [Month Day, Year]

This document serves as a debrief of the advertising pitch meeting held on [Pitch Meeting Date] with [Client's Company Name]. It outlines key discussion points, client feedback, and actionable steps to refine our strategy moving forward.

Meeting Overview:

  • Date and Time of Meeting: [Date and Time]

  • Attendees: [List of Attendees]

  • Purpose of Meeting: To present our proposed advertising campaign and gather initial feedback.

Key Discussion Points:


Details Discussed

Client Feedback

Campaign Strategy

Overview of the proposed strategy and creative concepts.

The client appreciated the creativity but requested more focus on digital platforms.

Target Audience

Discussion on the identified target demographic.

The client suggested including a broader age range in the target audience.

Budget and ROI Projections

Presentation of the budget breakdown and ROI forecast.

The client inquired about flexibility in the budget for additional digital marketing efforts.

Timelines and Deliverables

Proposed timelines for campaign milestones.

The client requested a shorter timeline for the initial market launch.

Actionable Steps:

  1. Refine Campaign Strategy: Incorporate more digital marketing tactics as per the client's feedback.

  2. Expand Target Audience: Reassess and broaden the target demographic in the campaign planning.

  3. Budget Reevaluation: Review and adjust the budget to allocate more funds to digital platforms.

  4. Timeline Adjustment: Develop a revised timeline to meet the client's request for an expedited launch.

The pitch meeting with [Client's Company Name] provided valuable insights that will guide the adjustments in our advertising campaign proposal. Our next steps will focus on aligning the campaign more closely with the client's expectations and preparing for a follow-up presentation.

For any additional queries or further discussion, please contact me at [Your Email Address] or [Your User Phone].

[Your Company Name] 

Committed to delivering tailored and impactful advertising solutions.

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