Simple Script

Simple Script

Name: [Your Name]

Company Name: [Your Company Name]

Date: [Date]

I. Title Page

  1. Title of the Film: [Title]

    Make sure the title is engaging and gives a good indication of the film genre and tone.

  2. Written by: [Your Name]

    Include additional credits here, such as co-writers or adapted screenplay information.

II. Logline

  • Logline: [Film Logline]

    This should be a single sentence that's a concise summary of the main plot, ideally not exceeding 25 words. It should hook the reader and convey the essence of the story.

  • Example Logline: "A retired cop entangled in his past must navigate a deadly cat-and-mouse game to save his estranged family from a vengeful criminal."

III. Synopsis

  1. Brief Overview

    Provide a paragraph that outlines the setting, key characters, and the central conflict of the story. This should be more detailed than the logline but concise enough to give a clear picture in a few sentences.

  2. Extended Synopsis

    Offer a more detailed description of the plot, including major events, character arcs, and thematic elements. This section should provide a clearer roadmap of the narrative from beginning to end.

IV. Character Descriptions

  • Main Characters

    • Name: [Character's Name] - Role: [Protagonist/Antagonist/Supporting]

      • Description: Provide a brief background, their motivation, and how they fit into the story. Include age, personality traits, and any pivotal moments they are involved in.

  • Supporting Characters

    • Repeat the format used for main characters. Each character should be clearly defined to illustrate their importance to the story.

V. Treatment

  1. Act One

    • Introduction: Outline how the story opens, the initial setting, and introduce the main characters and the central conflict.

    • Key Event: Describe the event or decision that propels the story into the main narrative.

  2. Act Two:

    • Confrontation: Detail the complications and challenges faced by the protagonist. Include subplots and how they intertwine with the main storyline.

    • Climax: The peak of the story's conflict, where tensions are at their highest.

  3. Act Three:

    • Resolution: Wrap up the story by resolving conflicts and answering major questions. Describe where the characters end up after the climax and how the story concludes.

VI. Scene Breakdown

  • Scene 1: [Location] - [Time of Day]

    • Action: Describe what happens in this scene and which characters are involved.

    • Dialogue: Provide key dialogue that drives the scene's action or emotional impact.

    • Purpose: Explain the scene's purpose in advancing the plot or developing a character.

  • Scene 2: [Location] - [Time of Day]

    • Repeat the format for each scene, ensuring that each contributes something unique to the overall narrative.

VII. Production Notes

  • Locations: List all the primary locations along with any important details about them, such as time of day and any special requirements for filming.

  • Costume and Props: Detail necessary costumes and props that highlight character traits or are crucial to the storyline.

  • Music and Sound Effects: Suggest themes or specific tracks that enhance the film's atmosphere and emotional depth.

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