Simple Sprint


I. Sprint Details

This section outlines the basic details of the sprint, including its duration, goals, and participants.

Sprint Duration

[Start Date] to [End Date]

Sprint Goal(s)

  1. [Goal 1]

  2. [Goal 2]


  1. [Team Member 1]

  2. [Team Member 2]

  3. [Team Member 3]

II. Sprint Goals

In this section, the specific objectives of the sprint are clearly defined to guide the team's focus and efforts.

Key Objectives

  1. Objective 1: [Objective 1 details]

  2. Objective 2: [Objective 2 details]

III. Sprint Backlog

The sprint backlog comprises the list of tasks, user stories, or features to be completed during the sprint.

Sprint Backlog Items

  1. Backlog Item 1: [Backlog Item 1 details]

  2. Backlog Item 2: [Backlog Item 2 details]

IV. Daily Standup Meetings

Daily standup meetings are essential for keeping the team aligned and addressing any obstacles hindering progress.

Meeting Schedule

  • Time: [Start Time] - [End Time]

  • Location: [Meeting Location]

  • Agenda:

    1. Progress Update: Each team member shares their accomplishments, plans for the day, and any impediments.

    2. Issue Resolution: Discussion and resolution of any blockers or challenges encountered.

    3. Plan Adjustment: Adjustments to the sprint plan based on emerging priorities or unforeseen obstacles.

V. Sprint Review

The sprint review is conducted at the end of the sprint to evaluate the completed work and gather feedback.


  1. Demo: Demonstration of the completed features or tasks.

  2. Feedback: Solicitation of feedback from stakeholders, including suggestions for improvements.

  3. Retrospective: Reflection on what went well, what could be improved, and action items for future sprints.

VI. Sprint Retrospective

The retrospective provides an opportunity for the team to reflect on the sprint process and identify areas for improvement.

Discussion Points

  • What went well during the sprint?

  • What could have been done better?

  • What actions can be taken to improve future sprints?


[Your Name]

Company Name

[Your Company Name]

Department Name

[Your Department]


[Current Date]

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