Opening Checklist

Opening Checklist for [YOUR COMPANY NAME]

Business Name:




Prepared by:







Security Checks

Inspect and activate alarm systems

Verify sensors on doors/windows are operational

Review surveillance camera functionality

Check for clear visibility and proper angles

Verify access control systems

Test key card/fob access for employees

Facility Inspection

Walkthrough to identify safety hazards

Look for spills, tripping hazards, or obstacles

Check the cleanliness and address any issues

Note areas needing additional cleaning

Report maintenance needs

Specify the type of maintenance required

Equipment Checks

Verify functionality of all equipment

Include kitchen appliances, if applicable

Check computer systems, printers, and POS terminals

Ensure software updates are current

Inventory Review

Assess and update inventory levels if needed

Prioritize low-stock items for reorder

Ensure adequate stock of products/supplies

Include packaging materials and utensils


Confirm staffing levels and assign tasks if necessary

Note any substitutions or shift changes

Address any scheduling issues

Document any requested time off or changes

Cash Handling

Set up and verify the cash register

Confirm sufficient change denominations

Ensure sufficient change is available

Adjust based on anticipated transactions

Communication Systems

Check phones, computers, and other communication devices

Test intercom system and external lines

Test communication channels (email, intercom)

Ensure effective communication with staff

Opening Procedures

Unlock doors and entrance gates

Confirm ease of access for customers

Turn on lights and necessary equipment

Verify lighting in all key areas

Customer Service

Ensure the service area is clean and organized

Confirm placement of promotional materials

Confirm staff is prepared to provide excellent service

Brief staff on any special promotions/events

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