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Finance Invoice Adjustment Notice

Notice of Adjustment to Finance Invoice

Date: [January 12, 2054]

[Customer Name]

[Customer Address]

Subject: Finance Invoice Adjustment Notice

Dear [Customer Name],

We hope this notice finds you well. We are writing to inform you of adjustments made to Invoice #[INV-001], dated [January 5, 2054], for the products/services provided by [Your Company Name].

After a thorough review of the original invoice, we identified the need for certain adjustments. Please find the details of the changes below:




Reason for Adjustment


100 units

90 units

Quantity reduction due to internal oversight of stock management.

The original price was $1,000.00, and it has been adjusted to $900.00. This adjustment is made as a goodwill gesture to account for any inconvenience caused. The original discount amount was $30.00, and it has been adjusted to $50.00. This revision is based on updated terms.

We understand the importance of transparency in financial transactions and are committed to ensuring the accuracy of our invoicing. The adjustments mentioned above have been made in accordance with our mutual agreement and the terms outlined in our contract.

The revised total amount payable is now $850.00, reflecting the aforementioned adjustments.

Please review the updated details, and if you have any questions or concerns, do not hesitate to contact our accounts department at [Your Contact Number] or [Your Email Address].

We appreciate your prompt attention to this matter and value your continued partnership with [Your Company Name].

Thank you for your understanding.


[Your Name]

[Your Position]

[Your Company Name]