Technical Bid Evaluation

Technical Bid Evaluation


Date: [Date]


This Technical Bid Evaluation Form is designed for assessing companies seeking engineering services, including design, consulting, or research and development. The objective of this evaluation is to thoroughly analyze and compare the bids submitted by various companies to ensure that the chosen provider meets the project requirements effectively and efficiently.


Engineering services play a crucial role in the success of any project, encompassing a wide range of activities from initial concept design to final implementation. Given the significance of these services, it is imperative to select a competent and reliable provider through a comprehensive evaluation process. This evaluation form aims to streamline the assessment of technical bids from different companies, considering various criteria essential for successful project execution.

Score Scale:

  1. 0: Bidder doesn't meet the criteria.

  2. 1-3: Significant deficiencies, need improvement.

  3. 4-6: Partially meets criteria, room for enhancement.

  4. 7-9: Strong performance with minor improvements possible.

  5. 10: Exceptional performance, exceeds expectations.

Evaluation Criteria:



Score (0-10)

1. Technical Expertise

Evaluation of the bidder's technical skills, knowledge, and proficiency in relevant engineering fields.

2. Experience and Track Record

Assessment of the bidder's experience, successful projects, and reputation in the industry.

3. Quality of Proposed Methodology

Review of the proposed approach, methodologies, and strategies for delivering high-quality engineering services.

4. Resource Capability and Availability

Evaluation of the bidder's available resources, including human capital, equipment, and infrastructure, and their ability to meet project timelines.

5. Innovation and Problem-solving Approach

Assessment of the bidder's creativity, innovation, and problem-solving capabilities in addressing project challenges and constraints.

6. Compliance with Project Requirements

Examination of the bidder's ability to comply with project specifications, regulations, standards, and contractual obligations.

7. Cost-effectiveness

Evaluation of the bid's cost structure, including overall pricing, cost breakdown, and value proposition about the services offered.

8. Communication and Collaboration Capabilities

Review of the bidder's communication skills, responsiveness, and ability to collaborate effectively with project stakeholders.


Please provide any additional comments or feedback regarding the evaluation process or the bids received.


Evaluation Templates @