Real Estate Contract Renewal Form

Real Estate Contract Renewal Form

At [Your Company Name], we are committed to making the process of real estate contract renewal straightforward and efficient. This form is designed to gather all necessary information to ensure a smooth continuation of your property lease or ownership terms under the agreed conditions.

1. Tenant/Landlord Information



Tenant Name(s)

Landlord/Property Manager Name

Property Address

Contact Information

2. Property Details



Property Type

Lease Start Date

Current Lease End Date

Renewal Lease Start Date

Renewal Lease End Date

3. Renewal Terms



Monthly Rent

Security Deposit

Late Payment Fees

Renewal Special Conditions

4. Maintenance and Repairs



Routine Maintenance

Major Repairs

Landscaping/Exterior Maintenance

5. Agreement

"I, [Tenant Name], acknowledge the renewal terms of the property located at [Property Address] as outlined above and agree to adhere to all conditions as stated in this renewal contract."

"I, [Landlord/Property Manager Name], agree to extend the lease under the terms specified above and ensure that the property will continue to meet the agreed standards and conditions."


[Tenant Name]


[Landlord/Property Manager Name]


Please review all details thoroughly before signing. Should you have any questions or require any adjustments to the renewal terms, contact [Your Company Name] at [Your Company Email]. We look forward to continuing our relationship and thank you for your trust in [Your Company Name].

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