Fact Sheet for New Product in Advertising

Fact Sheet for New Product in Advertising

Product Overview

Product Name:

[Product / Event Name]


Home Appliance / Air Purification

Launch Date:

[Month Day, Year]

Key Features:

HEPA filtration, Smart IoT connectivity, Energy-efficient design

Target Audience:

Health-conscious homeowners, families with young children, and allergy sufferers

Unique Selling Proposition (USP)

Primary USP:

Advanced HEPA filtration system that captures 99.97% of airborne particles

Secondary Benefits:

Smart app integration for remote monitoring and control, energy-saving mode for eco-friendly operation

Product Specifications


15" x 20" x 10"


12 lbs


Recycled plastic casing, HEPA filter, Activated carbon filter

Available Variants:

Standard, Plus (with additional odor control feature)

Pricing and Availability

Retail Price:

$299 for Standard, $359 for Plus

Special Offers/Discounts:

10% off for first-time buyers


Online on [Your Company Website], major retail stores

Distribution Channels:

Direct-to-consumer, retail partnerships

Competitive Analysis

Competitor Products:

[Competitor Product Name A], [Competitor Product Name B]

Distinguishing Features from Competitors:

IoT-enabled features, superior energy efficiency, and recycled materials for sustainability

Marketing and Promotion Strategy

Advertising Channels:

[Your Company Social Media], online ads, and eco-lifestyle blogs

Promotional Campaigns:

"Breathe Clean, Live Green" campaign to highlight sustainability

Influencer Partnerships:

Collaborations with eco-conscious lifestyle influencers

Customer Benefits

Functional Benefits:

Cleaner indoor air, reduced allergens and pollutants

Emotional Benefits:

Peace of mind about family health and environmental impact

Social Benefits:

Being part of the eco-friendly lifestyle community

Safety and Compliance Information


Energy Star rated, FCC Certified

Compliance with Standards:

Meets all national air quality and safety standards


Customer Reviews:

Highly positive feedback on efficiency and ease of use

Expert Endorsements:

Recommended by leading environmental health experts

Contact Information

Customer Service Contact:

[Your Company Email], +1-[Your Company Number]

Sales Representative Contact:

sales@[Your Company Email]

Prepared by:

[Your Name]

[Your Company Name]

[Your Email]

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