Interior Design Approval Checklist

Interior Design Approval Checklist

To ensure a smooth approval process for the interior design project, go through each item on this checklist meticulously. Tick off each item once discussed and approved with all relevant parties. This will help maintain the project on schedule and within the approved design specifications.

Project Initialization

  • Confirm project brief with the client

  • Review budget and timelines with [Your Company Name] Finance Department

  • Set up initial project kickoff meeting with the Design team lead and the client

  • Collect inspiration boards and material samples for client approval

  • Prepare initial design sketches and concepts for the project

Design Development

  • Develop detailed floor plans and elevation drawings

  • Review and select final materials, colors, and finishes

  • Create 3D visualizations for client walkthroughs

  • Revise designs based on feedback from the client and the Design team lead

  • Submit final design drafts for approval by [Your Company Name] Design Approval Board

Client Presentations

  • Schedule presentation meeting with the client

  • Prepare presentation materials and mock-ups

  • Gather feedback and additional input during presentation

  • Document adjustments and client's final modifications

  • Confirm final approval from the client post-presentation

Implementation and Monitoring

  • Oversee the ordering of materials and ensuring timely delivery

  • Coordinate with contractors and supervise on-site construction

  • Ensure all installations are as per design specifications

  • Conduct regular project reviews with the Design team lead

  • Prepare and update project status reports weekly

Final Review and Handover

  • Conduct final project walk-through with the client

  • Address any final tweaks or adjustments requested

  • Hand over all design documentation and maintenance guides

  • Obtain final sign-off from the client

  • Organize a closure meeting to discuss project feedback and future support

Prepared By: [Your Name]

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