Therapy Note

Therapy Note

Date: October 8, 2050

Client ID: AISHA4050

Session Type: One-on-One Hospital Therapy

Key Themes

During this session, the key themes revolved around Aisha Khan's prevailing feelings of anxiety and fears. There was a noticeable focus on her condition in relation to her professional life and personal relationships. In the context of Hospital Therapy, Aisha expressed concerns related to her absence from work, maintaining relationships in a confined environment, and the overwhelming uncertainties of the future.


Aisha came to the session with a slightly low mood, appearing anxious and slightly withdrawn. Despite her initial reservations, she cooperated well throughout the session, gradually showing signs of comfort and trust.


Aisha is making gradual but noticeable progress. More specifically, she's starting to adapt to the treatment procedures with less fear and anticipatory anxiety. Her communication has significantly improved since the last session, and her willingness to participate in the therapy indicates a positive shift in her acceptance of the situation.

Future Plans

In the upcoming therapy sessions, plans will focus on managing her anxiety and fears related to her hospital stay and the future more effectively. We will be introducing cognitive-behavioral strategies to help her cope with her current situation. Moreover, we'll put more emphasis on mindfulness activities for relaxation and grounding purposes.

This note is to be kept confidential in accord with Aisha's right to privacy and according to professional ethical standards.

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