Baby Shower Gift List

Baby Shower Gift List




This list contains items typically included on a Baby Shower Gift List. It serves the purpose of aiding the expecting parents in communicating their needs and preferences to their guests. The guests, in turn, will be able to select appropriate gifts for the parents and the new baby. This list also prevents gift duplication and ensures the utmost usefulness of the gifts received.

Baby Shower Gift List

For the Baby:




- Onesies (various sizes)

- Sleepers (with or without feet)

- Bodysuits

- Socks and booties

- Hats and mittens

- Pajamas

Feeding Essentials

- Bottles (with slow-flow nipples)

- Bottle brush

- Formula (if not breastfeeding)

- Burp cloths

- Bibs

- Highchair or booster seat

Diapering Supplies

- Diapers (in various sizes)

- Baby wipes

- Diaper rash cream

- Changing pad or table

- Diaper bag

Nursery Items

- Crib or bassinet

- Mattress and fitted sheets

- Changing table

- Rocking chair or glider

- Night light

Baby Gear

- Infant car seat

- Stroller

- Baby carrier or wrap

- Bouncer or swing

- Playmat or activity gym

Health and Safety

- Baby monitor

- Infant bathtub

- Nasal aspirator

- Thermometer

- Baby grooming kit

For the Parents:



Parenting Books

- Newborn care guides

- Breastfeeding guides

- Sleep training books

Self-care Items

- Gift cards for massages or spa treatments

- Bath salts or bubble bath

- Aromatherapy candles

- Subscription to a meal delivery service

Practical Gifts

- Diaper bag backpack

- Baby carrier or wrap

- Nursing pillow

- Portable changing pad

Memory Keepsakes

- Baby book or journal

- Handprint and footprint kit

- Milestone cards or stickers

- Photo frames

Gift Cards

- Amazon, Target, or other baby stores

- Grocery stores or restaurants for easy meals

Additional Information

  • Availability of items may vary from store to store.

  • Brands mentioned are based on preference. Guests may choose other brands that they trust.

  • Quantity is just a suggestion. You may choose to gift more if desired.

  • All items listed are necessities. Please try to stick to the list to ensure that the new parents receive what they need.

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