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Sales Questionnaire on Report Satisfaction

Sales Questionnaire on Report Satisfaction

This questionnaire is designed to assess the satisfaction levels among our team members regarding the sales reports generated by [Your Company Name]. Your participation is voluntary and greatly appreciated.

General Information



Employee ID:


Please rate the following statements on a scale from 1 (Strongly Disagree) to 5 (Strongly Agree).







The reports are clearly written and easy to understand.

The reports provide relevant information for my role.

The data presented in the reports is accurate and timely.

The visual elements have greatly aided in my understanding.

The reports are concise and not overly lengthy.

How often do you use the information provided in the reports for your daily tasks?

I used them almost everyday.

Have you identified any discrepancies or issues in the reports you received?

Do the reports facilitate effective decision-making?

What aspects of the current reports do you think require improvement?

Please provide any suggestions that could improve the quality of our reports.

Thank you for taking the time to complete this Sales Questionnaire on Report Satisfaction. Your feedback is immensely important and will help us serve you better. We appreciate your time and effort.

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