Employee Grievance Slip HR


Employee Information

Employee Name

[Your Name]

Employee ID





Sales Representative

Email Address

[Your Email Address]

Phone Number

222 555 7777

Date And Time Of Grievance: September 20, 2050, 10:30 AM

Nature Of Grievance

I, [Your Name], am filing this grievance to report an incident that occurred on September 18, 2050. On that day, during our team meeting, my immediate supervisor, Jane Smith, made inappropriate comments about my work performance in front of my colleagues. She criticized my sales numbers and implied that I was not pulling my weight in the team. This was both unprofessional and embarrassing.


There were two colleagues present during the team meeting who can confirm this incident:

Mary Johnson (Colleague)

[email protected]

333 444 5555

Michael Brown (Colleague)

[email protected]

444 555 6666

Resolution Requested

I would like this matter to be investigated promptly and appropriately. I request that HR or management speak with Jane Smith about her behavior during the team meeting and ensure that such incidents do not recur. Additionally, I would appreciate an apology from Jane for her unprofessional comments.

Employee Signature: [Signature]

Date: September 20, 2050


This grievance slip has been received and acknowledged by the HR department. We will initiate an investigation into the matter and take appropriate action.

HR Representative: Jess Dalton

Date: September 20, 2050

Company: [Your Company Name]

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