Job Reference List

Job Reference List


[Your Name]


[Your Company Name]




This list contains a collection of references for a job candidate. Each reference is someone who can provide insights into the candidate's qualifications, skills, and work ethic. This resource can be used by employers or hiring managers in the job application process to verify the candidate's suitability for a position.

Job Reference List

Reference Name

Professional Relation

Contact Information

Candidate Attribute Verified

John Smith

Former Supervisor

Email: [email protected]<br>Phone: (555) 123-4567

Qualifications, Work Ethic

Emily Johnson


Email: [email protected]<br>Phone: (555) 987-6543

Skills, Teamwork

Michael Brown


Email: [email protected]<br>Phone: (555) 555-5555

Leadership, Communication

Sarah Adams

Client Relations Manager

Email: [email protected]<br>Phone: (555) 222-3333

Client Interaction, Problem-solving

David Lee

Project Manager

Email: [email protected]<br>Phone: (555) 444-5678

Project Management, Attention to Detail

Rachel White

Team Leader

Email: [email protected]<br>Phone: (555) 777-8888

Adaptability, Time Management

James Miller

Industry Expert

Email: [email protected]<br>Phone: (555) 999-0000

Subject Matter Expertise, Innovation

Additional Information

  • Avoid choosing references who might provide negative feedback.

  • Ensure that all contact information provided is accurate and up-to-date.

  • Seek consent from the individuals before including them in the reference list.

  • Include a variety of individuals (supervisors, colleagues, clients) who can highlight different aspects of your skills and attributes.

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