Auto Insurance Cancellation Letter

Auto Insurance Cancellation Letter

Liam Davis
Liam [email protected]
222 555 7777

Sophia Rodriguez

123 Main Street
Cityville, USA
Zip Code

Dear Sophia Rodriguez,

I am writing to formally terminate my Auto Insurance policy with your company. Please consider this letter as my official notice of cancellation.

Policy details:
Policy Holder's Name: Liam Davis
Policy Number: 123456789
Insurance Company: XYZ Insurance

I have decided to cancel my auto insurance policy due to the Auto Insurance Cancellation. I would appreciate if you could confirm the cancellation and provide any necessary instructions or paperwork. Please also inform me about any outstanding payments or refunds that may be applicable.

I would like to thank you for your services thus far. While it is unfortunate that I have to cancel my policy, I have been satisfied with the level of coverage and support provided by your company.

In case you require any further information or if there are any concerns regarding the cancellation process, feel free to contact me using my provided contact details.

Once again, I request the cancellation of my Auto Insurance policy effective immediately. I have attached a copy of the policy and request a written confirmation of the cancellation.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.

Liam Davis