Rental Agreement Letter

Rental Agreement Letter

March 5, 2050

Jamie Collins

606 Ash Street, Suite 25

Hillcrest, CA 90220

Dear Mr. Collins,

This letter is our rental agreement regarding the property at 606 Ash Street, Suite 25, Hillcrest, CA 90220. The parties involved in this agreement are the landlord, Greg Chang, and the tenant, Jamie Collins. The primary purpose of this agreement is to stipulate the terms of the tenancy, rental amount, responsibilities and obligations of both parties and other necessary provisions.

Per this agreement, Mr. Collins agrees to pay a monthly rent of $1,200.00 for 24 months. The landlord's responsibilities include repairs and maintenance, while the tenant agrees to keep the property in good condition. Any breach of this agreement could result in its termination. This agreement must be kept confidential unless legally required to disclose information. This agreement is governed under the jurisdiction of California law.

Upon signing this letter, both parties signify their understanding, validation, and acceptance of the terms and conditions of this rental agreement.

Yours Sincerely,

Greg Chang

Property Owner

Sky High Property

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