E-training Module Feedback HR


Instructions: Please take a few moments to provide your valuable feedback on the E-training module you have recently completed. Your insights will help us improve the quality and effectiveness of our training programs.

Personal Details


[Your Name]

Job Position:

HR Staff

Contact Phone:

222 555 7777

Training Details

Module Title:

Virtual HR Management 101

Instructor's Name: 

Jacob Flynn

Training Date: 

June 10, 2050

Feedback Questions

Evaluation Criteria

Very Satisfied




Very Unsatisfied

Content Quality

Instructor's Skill

Interactive Elements

Pace and Timing

Open-ended Questions:

  1. What did you like most about the training module?

The interactive quizzes at the end of each chapter were very useful for revision 

and  self-assessment.

  1. What areas do you think require improvement?

  1. Any additional comments or suggestions?

Thank you for your time and valuable feedback!

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