Office Housekeeping Checklist

Bright Office, Bright Life Ahead

Welcome to [YOUR COMPANY NAME]'s Housekeeping Checklist – a tool designed to streamline your office cleanliness routine and create a hygienic, professional environment. This checklist ensures that your workspace remains not only visually appealing but also conducive to a productive and healthy work atmosphere.

Manager's Name: [YOUR NAME]


Department: Maintenance Team

Date: 25-09-2050

Workspace Maintenance

  • Ensure all workspaces are clean and free of clutter

  • Sanitize all surfaces, including desks, keyboards, and phones

General Office Maintenance

  • Empty all trash bins and dispose of garbage properly

  • Restock office supplies as necessary, such as paper, ink, and stationery

  • Conduct regular checks and maintenance for office equipment like printers, faxes, and computers

Supply Inventory Check

  • Take stock of office supplies.

  • Reorder as necessary to maintain adequate stock levels.

Checklist Templates @ Template.Net