Apartment Agreement Letter

Apartment Agreement Letter

March 7, 2050

Stacy Murphy

505 Cedar Road,

Brookside, CA 90240

Dear Stacy Murphy,

I am writing this letter to express the terms and conditions of our residential lease agreement. The concerned property is my apartment, located at the address mentioned.

The lease will commence on March 15, 2050, and terminate on September 15, 2050, with the option of renewing the lease further under mutual agreement. The monthly rental payment will be due on the first day of every month.

As the landlord, I am responsible for property taxes, maintenance, and all other obligations set forth by local governing laws. As the tenant, you assume responsibility for keeping the apartment clean, promptly reporting any damage, and adhering to all other rules outlined in our original contract.

In case of disputes, it shall be governed by the laws of the local jurisdiction. Both parties must mutually agree in writing on any modification or termination of this agreement. Confidentiality of the terms is expected from both parties, violation of which can lead to termination of this contract.

Best regards,

Cedric Smith

Property Owner

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