Landlord Lease Renewal Letter

Landlord Lease Renewal Letter

January 1, 2060

[Tenant's Name]

[Tenant's Address]

Dear [Tenant's Name],

I hope this letter finds you well. We greatly appreciate having you as a tenant at [Property Address]. As the end of your current lease term approaches, we would like to extend an invitation for you to renew your lease and continue enjoying your residence on our property.

Lease Renewal Terms:

  • Proposed Lease Start Date: [Proposed Start Date]

  • Proposed Lease End Date: [Proposed End Date]

  • Monthly Rent: [Proposed Monthly Rent Amount]

Please take a moment to review the terms outlined above. If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact us at [Your Phone Number] or [Your Email Address].

If you intend to renew your lease, kindly provide your confirmation by [Renewal Deadline Date]. Thank you for choosing [Your Property Management Company/Your Name] as your landlord. We value your tenancy and look forward to continuing our positive landlord-tenant relationship.

Best regards,

[Your Full Name]

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