Residential Construction Contract

Residential Construction Contract

1. Introduction

This Residential Construction Contract (the "Contract") is entered into on [Insert Date], by and between:


[Your Name]
[Your Company Address]


[Client's Name]
[Client's Address]

2. Project Description

The Contractor agrees to construct a new residential property (the "Project") for the Client located at [Insert Property Address]. The scope of work shall include but not limited to:

  • Excavation and site preparation

  • Foundation construction

  • Framing, roofing, and exterior finishes

  • Interior finishing including plumbing, electrical, HVAC, and insulation

  • Installation of fixtures and appliances

  • Landscaping and Exterior Improvements

3. Project Timeline

The construction of the Project shall commence on [Insert Start Date] and is anticipated to be completed by [Insert Completion Date], barring any unforeseen circumstances or delays beyond the Contractor's control.

4. Payment Terms

The total cost of the Project is agreed upon as [Insert Total Cost]. Payments shall be made according to the following schedule:

  • [Insert Payment Schedule]

5. Change Orders

Any changes to the scope of work must be agreed upon in writing by both Parties. The cost implications of change orders shall be discussed and approved before implementation.

6. Responsibilities

6.1 Contractor's Responsibilities

  • Provide skilled labor, materials, and equipment necessary for the construction.

  • Adhere to local building codes and regulations.

  • Maintain a safe working environment.

  • Complete the Project within the agreed timeline.

6.2 Client's Responsibilities

  • Provide access to the construction site as required.

  • Obtain necessary permits and approvals.

  • Make timely payments as per the agreed schedule.

  • Communicate any concerns or changes promptly.

7. Warranties and Guarantees

The Contractor warrants that all materials used in the construction shall be new and of good quality. Workmanship is guaranteed for a period of [Insert Warranty Period] from the date of completion.

8. Insurance and Liability

The Contractor shall maintain appropriate insurance coverage, including general liability and workers' compensation insurance. The Client shall not be held liable for any injuries or damages occurring on the construction site.

9. Termination Clause

Either Party may terminate this Contract in writing if the other Party breaches any material term and fails to remedy such breach within [Insert Cure Period] days of written notice.

10. Dispute Resolution

Any disputes arising out of or relating to this Contract shall be resolved through mediation or arbitration under the laws of [Insert Jurisdiction].

11. Governing Law

This Contract shall be governed by and construed under the laws of [Insert Jurisdiction], without regard to conflicts of law principles.

12. Signatures

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties have executed this Contract as of the date first above written.

[Client's Name]

[Date Signed]

[Your Name]

[Date Signed]

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