Retail refers to the act of selling goods or services to the consumers for their use through different channels or markets to generate profit. The business transaction or retail merchandising can either be online or digital, direct mail, direct sales, or a brick and mortar storefront (Shopify). Retail stores need invoices, purchase orders, and inventory sheets to document a sale. For your retail needs, use a template.
An invoice is given to the customer indicating the prices of the product or service that has been provided. Whereas a purchase order is given to a customer before the product or service has been provided. Lastly, inventory management needs an inventory sheet to ensure that the business has adequate supplies when they are needed. has all these modern templates in display for you. Check out all the printable retail templates that are editable through the website’s editor tool. Just click your chosen template and you will be directed there. You can also include your company logo here! However, these templates are also editable through Microsoft Excel, Google Sheets, Apple Numbers, Microsoft Word, and many more. You will be required to sign up for a membership before you can download the template.
According to Review 42, in 2018, the total revenue from retail sales in the U.S. was $6 trillion. Meanwhile, in 2019, 90% of retail sales are happening in brick and mortar stores. In the age of technology, 51% of Americans are in favor of online shopping, but 49% of consumers cite that not being able to try a product is one of their least favorite aspects of online shopping.