An accounting calendar refers to the calendar used by the accounting department for their fiscal year. According to Accounting Tools, fiscal year refers to the accounting period that lasts for twelve months, ending on a date other than December 31. Furthermore, the fiscal year should end on a date when business activity is at a low point so that there will be fewer assets and liabilities to audit. An accounting calendar is easier to make with a template.
A financial statement is important in determining the financial performance of a company and for financing, tax, and investment activities (Investopedia). And for you to complete your financial statement accordingly, you need an accounting calendar. Take a look at’s printable accounting calendar templates. These monthly and yearly calendar templates are editable by using various file formats such as Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Apple Pages, Google Docs, and Adobe PDF. You will be required to sign up for a membership before you can download the template.
The main reason for calendars is to track days, weeks, months, and years. They are also used to identify what days fall on a particular week and when special events or holidays will take place. According to Calendar, the months were named according to Roman gods. January was named after Janus, February was named after Februus, March was named after Mars, April from Aphrodite, May from Maia, June after Juno, July after Julius Caesar, August from Augustus Caesar, September which means seven in Latin, October which means eight in Latin, November which means nine in Latin, and December which means ten in Latin.