There are numerous occasions in one's life when a person with property, bank accounts, and other assets may be unable to carry out his responsibilities owing to factors such as being abroad, ill, or old. If the transaction necessitates the attendance of an individual who is unable to be there directly, the sole option is to delegate the authority to act on the subject's behalf to another person. This is the time to draft a Power of Attorney deed. A Power of Attorney is a legal document in which one person transfers the right to perform or the power to transact in matters connected to the property, banking, legal and judicial processes, tax payments, and so on to another person for a variety of reasons such as being abroad of the country, growing elderly, or being unable to handle one's responsibilities in those areas, among others. A power of attorney is a written legal instrument in which one person, referred to as the donor or principal, authorizes another person, referred to as the donee, attorney, or agent, to act on his behalf.
When you want to develop a power of attorney but you don’t have the resources or the time to do so, what do you do? It’s simple: download our Power of Attorney Templates! Explore a wide range of designs and file formats that have been curated specifically keeping in mind the needs and requirements of the user. Choose from templates that are editable and ready to use. Creating a power of attorney has never been easier!