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Table of Contents

  1. Pride Month Definition & Meaning
  2. When Is Pride Month?
  3. Pride Month History
  4. Pride Month Purpose & Importance
  5. What’s In Pride Month?
  6. How to Create a Pride Month Social Media Post
  7. Pride Month vs. LGBT History Month
  8. Pride Month Ideas & Examples
  9. FAQs

Pride Month

Pride month is a time to further celebrate how the LGBTQ community is genuinely accepted in the general society today. Gone are the days when gays and lesbians are shunned by the public and are slowly accepted into society for who they are.

Pride Month Definition & Meaning

Pride Month is the month of each year when people around the globe celebrate and commemorate the achievements of LGBT people.

Pride Month is a month-long celebration where people worldwide express support for the LGBTQ community by spreading awareness and organizing activities that remind the world of their importance to society.

When Is Pride Month?

Since 1999 during President Bill Clinton’s time, Pride Month is celebrated every year for the entire month of June. It’s not to be confused with LGBT History Month which is a separate month-long holiday celebrated every October.

Pride Month History

In June 1969, a local gathering in Stonewall Inn was raided by police and a number of attendees are members of the LGBTQ community. A lot witnessed police harassing members of the LGBTQ community so in the next few days people began rioting outside the bar. To commemorate this event, President Bill Clinton then declared June 1999 “Gay and Lesbian Pride Month or simply Pride Month.

Pride Month Purpose & Importance

The celebration of Pride Month has come a long way. Over the years, it became not just a yearly holiday but a movement that holds a significant purpose in ingratiating LGBTQ individuals into mainstream society. With that said, let’s discuss the importance of Pride Month.

Honoring the 1969 Stonewall Riots

The 1969 Stonewall Riots, also known as Stonewall Uprising, is a momentous event in LGBT history. It happened in New York in June 1969 when supporters of lesbians and gays rallied to fight the harassment done by police authorities against LGBT Americans. It’s one of the first accounts of a major movement that strives to accept the LGBTQ community into society.

Commemorating the Victims of Hate Crimes Against the LGBT

Around the 1990s, many LGBT individuals fell victim to hate crimes merely because of their gender and identity. A lot of them sadly died or experienced severe trauma. During Pride Month, memorials are held to honor them and acknowledge the impact they have on the LGBTQ community.

Celebrating the Achievements of LGBT Individuals

Over the past two decades and today, millions of LGBT individuals have achieved great feats in society. Some of them earned notable professions, joined inclusive beauty pageants, contributed to charitable missions, and generally made waves to build a better future for society. On Pride Month, the global community takes a stand to celebrate their feats through festivals, parades, and social media posts.

What’s In Pride Month?

There are many things to see and experience during Pride Month. For one, you’ll see a lot of social media posts and profiles flaunting the colors of the LGBTQ flag, especially official company brand logos. There’ll also be parades and rallies that fight anti-gay movements. You can participate in them if you want as some might take place in your city or on local streets.

How to Create a Pride Month Social Media Post

You don’t have to take part in outdoor activities to celebrate Pride Month. You can express your support to the LGBTQ community simply by posting Pride Month social media posts using Pride Month Templates. So with that in mind, let us show you the basics of creating social media posts for Pride Month.


1. Select a Pride Month Facebook Post Template.

select a pride month facebook post templateWe have several Pride Month Facebook post templates with beautiful designs that fit the occasion. Simply click on your selected template.

2. Input your custom Pride Month message on Fill.

input your custom pride month message on fill

On the Editor page, go to Fill, and under Fill Text, you can input your custom Pride Month message or greeting. Keep it short and simple.

3. Add more graphic designs if you want.

add more graphic designs if you want

Go to the Graphics panel if you want to add more graphic designs to the template. You can add more shapes, clipart, and other objects. Make sure that they’re relevant to the post’s overall aesthetic feel.

4. Insert LGBT photos.

insert lgbt photos

Head to the Photos panel and search for LGBT photos under Pixabay or Unsplash. You can insert one if you want simply by clicking on your chosen photo.

5. Download the template.

download the template

Once you’re done, download the template. Click the three-dotted icon on the upper right corner and select Download. After downloading, you can proceed to upload the template to your Facebook timeline.


1. Choose a WhatsApp Pride Month Template.

choose a pride month templateSelect a Pride Month Template with designs that you think will look good in your WhatsApp feed. You’re free to choose any template that speaks to you.

2. Add Pride Month photos if you want.

add pride month photos if you want

On the right side of the Editor page, you’ll find the Photos panel. Click on it to open it, and once you’re in, you can search for Pride Month photos either on Unsplash or Pixabay. Browse through the photos that’ll appear and click the one that you fancy in order to insert it into the template.

3. Write your unique Pride Month greeting.

write your unique pride month greeting

The template has its own default Pride Month greeting. You can change it if you want by going to the Fill panel. On the boxes under Fill Text, change the default Pride Month greeting/message to your own.

4. Add custom graphic designs.

add custom graphic designs

If you want to add more visual elements to your template, go to the Graphics panel. Search for clipart or illustrations that relate to Pride Month. A good example would be an object with rainbow colors.

5. Save the template.

save the template

Once you’re finished customizing the template, save it. Click the three-dotted icon on the upper right corner and select Save.


1. Look for a Pride Month Instagram Post Template.

look for a pride month instagram post template

Search for Pride Month Instagram post templates on our site. Their aesthetics truly represent the spirit of Pride Month. Simply click on the template of your choice to start customizing it on our Editor page.

2. Input your unique Pride Month message.

input your unique pride month message

Head to the Fill panel on the left side of the Editor page. Click it to open the Fill Text boxes, and in those boxes is where you’ll encode your custom Pride Month message.

3. Add rainbow-themed clipart.

add rainbow themed clipart

You can add more clipart to your selected template. We recommend adding rainbow-themed clipart since they’re in line with Pride Month aesthetics. Go to the Graphics panel and type “rainbow” in the search bar. Select a graphic art that you want in order to add it to the template.

4. Customize the background color.

customize the background color

You can change the background color of the template if you want. Simply go to the Background panel and head to the Colors section. Under the Colors sections, choose a particular color you want. We suggest that you use pink, purple, yellow, or any rainbow color for the background.

5. Save and download the template.

save and download the template

If you’re done customizing your template, save and download it. Click the three-dotted icon in the upper right corner. Select either Save or Download. After that, your template is ready to be uploaded to Instagram.

Pride Month vs. LGBT History Month

Pride Month is a celebration dedicated to the continued acceptance of the LGBTQ community in the public.

LGBT History Month is a period when people reminisce and honor the impact of various LGBTQ civil rights movements in the past.

Pride Month Ideas & Examples

Not sure what to do and what to share during Pride Month? Don’t worry. Below we have gathered various Pride Month ideas and examples that you can refer to and get inspiration from. Here are several Pride Month posts, posters, wallpapers, and memes that can be shared online:

Gay Pride Month Ideas and Examples

Kickstart Pride Month and invite everyone to join the fun with this beautifully designed Gay Pride Month Poster.

gay pride month poster

Vintage Pride Month Poster Ideas and Examples

Enhance your poster layout with this Vintage Pride Month Poster idea that could be used to advertise an event or party to commemorate Pride Month.

vintage pride month poster

Pride Month Sale Instagram Post Ideas and Examples

Advertise items for sale on Instagram by making use of this Pride Month Sale Instagram Post example which can also be customized.

pride month sale instagram post

Happy Pride Month Facebook Post Ideas and Examples

Show your support of Pride Month on Facebook by making use of this well-crafted Happy Pride Month Facebook Post.

happy pride month facebook post

Pride Wallpaper Ideas and Examples

Update your wallpaper with this colorful Pride Wallpaper example that will make members of the LBGT community feel proud of your support.

pride wallpaper

Gay Pride Wallpaper Ideas and Examples

Another alternative wallpaper design is this fun and quirky Gay Pride Wallpaper which includes a direct and meaningful message.

gay pride wallpaper

Office Pride Month Meme Ideas and Examples

Show your support and appreciation for Pride Month by creating a meme just like this Office Pride Month Meme example.

office pride month meme

Pride Month Statistics Meme Ideas and Examples

Another fun meme to share is this Pride Month Statistics Meme which could be shared on social media and other digital platforms.

pride month statistics meme

Company Pride Month Meme Ideas and Examples

Show the company’s support by making use of this fun Company Pride Month Meme that could be circulated on various online platforms.

company pride month meme

Companies During Pride Month Meme Ideas and Examples

Lighten up the mood and join in the celebration with this quirky Company During Pride Month Meme that would surely have everyone laughing.

companies during pride month meme


What is Pride and why is it celebrated?

Pride refers to the acceptance and proudness of LGBT individuals of their gender/identity and it’s celebrated to acknowledge their impact on modern society.

What is the official Pride Month?

The official Pride Month since Bill Clinton’s time as president is the month of June.

What happens during Pride Month?

During Pride Month, there are plenty of LGBTQ parades, festivals, and other activities that celebrate their community.

Why does Pride have its own month?

Pride has its own month which is June to commemorate the 1969 Stonewall Riots, one of the most significant LGBTQ movements in history.

What is the Pride symbol?

The official Pride symbol is the rainbow flag.

What does Pride stand for?

Pride stands for the proudness of gays and lesbians of their identities and not being ashamed to show them to the public eye.

What’s the origin of the rainbow flag?

The rainbow flag was created by Gilbert Baker in 1978 who was commissioned by gay politician Harvey Milk to create the flag.

What is the specialty of Pride Month?

Pride Month is known for its specialty to encourage gays and lesbians to show their true colors and be proud of who they are.

Why is the rainbow a symbol of Pride?

The rainbow and its colors are a symbol of Pride because of the togetherness that they represent despite certain differences and quirks.

How do you explain Pride Month to a child?

In explaining Pride Month to a child, you can be transparent about how gay and lesbian relationships work and tell him/her that such people are important members of society.

Why is Pride Month so special?

Pride Month is so special because it’s the time of the year when gays and lesbians can wholeheartedly celebrate who and what they are without fear of criticism.

What is the message of Pride Month?

Pride Month’s core message is to mingle, work, and celebrate with LGBT individuals since they’re part of society like the rest of us.

What do you write in a Pride Month card?

You can write a simple Pride Month greeting or message on a Pride Month card.

What are the main Pride flags?

The main Pride flags are Blue for serenity, Violet for spirit, Green for nature, Yellow for sunlight, Hot Pink for sexuality, Red for life, Orange for healing, and Turquoise for magic.

What is the goal of pride month?

The goal of Pride Month is to spread awareness about LGBTQ rights and to remind people that gays and lesbians are to be respected and accepted as normal people.

When was the first LGBTQ month?

The first LGBTQ History Month was held in October 1994.

What month is LGBT Pride celebrated?

LGBT Pride is celebrated yearly for the entire month of June.

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