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Formal Complaint Letter Against a Person

Formal Complaint Letter Against a Person in Word, Google Docs, PDF, Apple Pages, Outlook

Download this Formal Complaint Letter Against a Person Design in Word, Google Docs, PDF, Apple Pages, Outlook Format. Easily Editable, Printable, Downloadable.

When you have a problem with someone, it is acceptable to file a complaint. Doing so with the use of the Free Formal Complaint Letter Against a Person template ensures a formal and peaceful resolution. You can download such a letter template for free and edit as you like.




I am writing to make a formal complaint against a co-worker who has been displaying irresponsible behavior for the past [NUMBER] (days, weeks, months, etc.). [EMPLOYEE NAME] has been [DETAILS].

This behavior has already been escalated to our team leader. They had a formal discussion on the matter, and [EMPLOYEE NAME] promised to change this attitude. However, [HIS/HER] behavior continues to be the same. 

I have been reluctant to bring this matter to you, however, he/she seems to be needing a formal talk from a person with greater authority. I suggest the Human Resources department to send him a formal letter, and take disciplinary action on this demeanor. 

Thank you very much.




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