Make your guests feel welcomed by providing them a place card that will also help them locate their respective seats. To help you create one with ease, here are our Ready-Made Wedding Card Templates in Apple Pages! These templates are 100% customizable, easily editable, beautifully-designed, professionally made, time-saving, and are printable. Surely, you can achieve the design that you want with just a few clicks! It is guaranteed that you will receive only the best graphic design elements as they are created by professional graphic artists and designers. Thus, do not let this opportunity pass and immediately download our Ready-Made Wedding Templates in Apple Pages today!
How to Make Wedding Cards in Apple Pages
Wedding invitation cards are not the only cards that you might need at a wedding. This is because the average number of guests for a wedding can reach up to 136 people. To accommodate the people on this number on the reception, you may need wedding place cards. Wedding place cards are cards with the name/s of the person/s that will sit on a specific table at the reception.
Here are some simple steps in making wedding cards to direct and guide your guests where they can sit at the wedding reception:
1. Choose a Software
You need to decide which software you will use to make your wedding cards. You can use Apple Pages because it will give you an easier time to make invitation cards. You can edit with your PC or your Mac, which will be accessible to you. You can download a wedding card template online and start working on it. You can also look for a wedding card sample to guide you.
2. Take a Look at Your Guest List
The first step you need to do is to check the guest list. If you have made an RSVP, take a look at your guests' replies. How many people have agreed to come to the wedding and how many declined the wedding invitation? After checking them, you can now make the final list of the guests who will attend the wedding.
3. Estimate the number of People that can Sit on a Table
Next, you have to check the number of people one table can accommodate. Then, you can now decide where you can make your guests sit by making a wedding seating chart. Who are they sitting with each other? How many people will have to sit together on the table? Remember, you have the liberty to choose where your guests will sit and who they are sitting with. However, you need to take consideration of your guests' feelings. You should also consider that they would want to sit together with the people that they know, like their friends and their families.
4. Make Your Wedding Place Card Design
Designing your wedding place cards is significant. Although they are just paper folded to stand on a table, they add up to the overall look of your wedding reception. So, you need to give these wedding place cards life. Give them life by designing them. To give you an easier idea of how they would look, you can try to incorporate them with your wedding theme. You can make them creative, innovative, and unique.
5. Write the Content of Your Wedding Place Cards
Next, you can now type the names of your guests on your wedding cards. Make use of fonts that will blend with your designs. You can individually write the names of your guests on your wedding cards. If you want, you can also write a group of people on your printable cards. Another thing, don't forget to write the table number for your guests so that they will be guided.