Post-Sale Support Policy Update Memo


DATE: [Month Day, Year]

TO: [All Customer Service Representatives]

SUBJECT: [Post-Sale Support Policy Update]

We are committed to continuously refining our customer service experience. To this end, we have updated our Post-Sale Support Policy. This memo provides a detailed overview of the changes effective [Month Day, Year]. Your adherence and understanding are crucial for ensuring a smooth transition and consistent customer satisfaction.

Updated Support Hours

To accommodate a wider range of customer time zones, our support hours will be extended as follows:


Previous Hours

New Extended Hours

Eastern Time

9 AM - 5 PM

8 AM - 8 PM

Revised Response Time Metrics

Our target response times have been improved to enhance customer satisfaction:

Priority Level

Previous Response Time

New Target Response Time


Within 4 hours

Within 2 hours

Expanded Support Channels

In addition to our existing email and phone support, we are introducing the following channels:

  • Live Chat Support: Available during new extended support hours.

  • Virtual Assistant: A 24/7 automated assistant capable of handling common queries and troubleshooting.

Warranty Claim Processing Time

Our warranty claim processing will be expedited. The new estimated processing times, from claim receipt to resolution, are as follows:

Claim Type

Previous Processing Time

New Processing Time

Standard Claim

5 business days

3 business days

Dedicated Account Management

For our enterprise clients, dedicated Account Managers will be assigned to provide personalized support. They will be responsible for:

  • Quarterly business reviews.

  • Personalized support plans.

  • Direct escalation paths for critical issues.

Support Policy Compliance

Compliance with the updated policy is mandatory. Non-compliance will be flagged and addressed according to the following:


First Occurrence

Second Occurrence

Subsequent Occurrences


Verbal warning

Written warning

Performance review

Feedback and Questions

Feedback on the updated policy is encouraged and can be directed to the Post-Sale Support Policy Committee via email at [Your Company Email]. For immediate concerns or questions, please contact your direct supervisor.

These updates reflect our commitment to excellence in customer support and our response to valuable feedback from customers and our support team. Thank you for your continued dedication to providing outstanding service.

Best regards,

[Your Name]

[Job Title]

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