SEO Migration Checklist

SEO Checklist for Website Transition

Prepared by: [Your Name]

This SEO Migration Checklist guides you through the crucial steps of efficiently transitioning a website, ensuring the preservation of its existing search engine optimization. By following this checklist meticulously, you can minimize the risk of losing traffic and rankings during the transition to a new website. Regular monitoring and optimization post-migration will help ensure sustained organic visibility and success in the long term.

Pre-Migration Preparation:



Website Audit:

Conduct a comprehensive audit of the current website, including its content, structure, backlinks, and technical aspects.

Keyword Research:

Identify relevant keywords for the new website and ensure alignment with the existing SEO strategy.

301 Redirect Mapping:

Create a mapping of old URLs to new URLs to ensure proper redirection of traffic and link equity.

Content Inventory:

Compile a list of all existing content and prioritize it based on relevance, traffic, and importance.

XML Sitemap Generation:

Generate XML sitemaps for both the old and new websites to facilitate search engine crawling and indexing.

Robots.txt File Review:

Review and update the robots.txt file to control search engine access to the website during migration.

Mobile Optimization:

Ensure the new website is mobile-friendly and optimized for different devices and screen sizes.

Technical SEO Review:

Check technical aspects such as site speed, crawlability, indexability, and structured data markup.

During Migration:



Backup Data:

Take backups of all website data, including files, databases, and configurations, to prevent data loss.

Implement 301 Redirects:

Implement 301 redirects from old URLs to corresponding new URLs using server-side redirects.

Update Internal Links:

Update internal links across the website to point to the new URLs.

Update Meta Tags:

Ensure meta tags (title tags, meta descriptions) are optimized for the new website.

Verify SSL Certificate:

If applicable, ensure that the SSL certificate is properly installed and configured on the new website.

Check for Duplicate Content:

Avoid duplication of content by setting up canonical tags and ensuring each page has unique content.

Test Functionality:

Test all website functionalities, including forms, navigation, and interactive elements, to ensure they work as expected.

Monitor Traffic:

Monitor website traffic, rankings, and indexing status during and after migration using tools like Google Analytics and Google Search Console.




Submit XML Sitemap:

Submit the new XML sitemap to search engines to expedite the indexing of the new website.

Monitor 404 Errors:

Monitor for any 404 errors and address them promptly by redirecting or updating links.

Monitor Rankings:

Keep track of keyword rankings and organic search traffic to identify any fluctuations or issues post-migration.

Update External Links:

Reach out to external websites linking to the old URLs and request them to update their links to the new URLs.

Content Optimization:

Continuously optimize content on the new website based on user engagement, feedback, and search engine performance.

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