Classroom Duties List

Classroom Duties List


Institution Name:


This list outlines and assigns various classroom responsibilities and tasks to ensure a smooth operation and effective learning environment. It covers duties related to classroom management, organization, maintenance, activities, and safety procedures.

Classroom Duties


Responsible Party



Classroom setup and cleanup

All Students


Includes setup for sports-related activities like baseball or football

Managing classroom resources

Educational aides.

Organizational efficiency


Establishing classroom procedures


Smooth operation


Attendance management

Help in instructing.

Record Keeping


Assignments distribution


Learning progression


Responsibilities for special events or activities

All students and staff

Interactions and engagement

Includes guest speakers and field trips related to sports

Student group projects

Teachers and Students

Learning and Collaboration


Emergency Procedures

Educators, teaching aides

Safety and well-being


Break supervision

Educators and teaching aides.

Safety and well-being


Evaluation of students' progress


Educational quality


Additional Reminders

  • Ensure that all tasks are clearly communicated and understood by the responsible parties.

  • Always prioritize the safety and well-being of the students.

  • Remind students about the importance of their roles in maintaining a clean and organized classroom.

  • Updating this list as necessary to accommodate changes in classroom schedules or routines.

  • Adopt a collaborative approach when assigning responsibilities for group projects or activities.

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