Free Wedding Planner Vendor Evaluation Form Template


Free Wedding Planner Vendor Evaluation Form Template

Wedding Planner Vendor Evaluation Form

Use this form to evaluate and compare wedding vendors, ensuring their services align with your wedding vision and requirements.

Vendor Information

Vendor Company Name

    Service Type

    e.g., florist, caterer

      Contact Person

        Phone Number


            Evaluation Criteria

            How would you rate their portfolio or examples of past work?

              Are client reviews or references positive and consistent?

                Are their services clearly outlined and easy to understand?

                  How competitive and reasonable is their pricing for your budget?

                    Are their packages customizable to your wedding needs?

                      Is the vendor available for your wedding date?

                      Do they offer a reliable backup plan or contingency options?

                        How flexible are they with schedule changes or special requests?

                          How responsive is the vendor to calls, emails, or inquiries?

                            Are they professional and courteous during interactions?

                              How clearly do they communicate service details, timelines, and expectations?

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