Controlled Substance Log

Controlled Substance Management Log

Date: [DATE]

Prepared by: [YOUR NAME]

This log is designed to keep accurate records of controlled substances handling, distribution, and usage. It serves as a comprehensive report for businesses like healthcare facilities, pharmacies, research labs, and law enforcement agencies.

Substance Name

Quantity Received

Quantity Distributed

Date of Transaction

Receiver Signature

Substance A

100 units

50 units

February 29, 2056

Substance B

50 units

20 units

February 29, 2056

Substance C

200 units

100 units

February 29, 2056

Substance D

250 units

150 units

February 29, 2056


  • Each transaction must be documented accurately, including quantity received, quantity distributed, dates, and signatures.

  • Ensure all personnel involved in transactions understand the importance of accurate record-keeping and compliance with laws and regulations.

  • Review and update this log regularly to maintain transparency and accountability in controlled substance management.

    Log Templates @