Free Blank Psychotherapy Appointments Doctor Note Template



Free Blank Psychotherapy Appointments Doctor Note Template

Blank Psychotherapy Appointments Doctor Note

Patient Information

  • Name: (Enter the full name of the patient.)

  • Date of Birth: (Provide the patient’s date of birth in MM/DD/YYYY format.)

  • Patient ID: (Include a unique identification number for the patient, if applicable.)

  • Date of Appointment: (Record the date of the session in MM/DD/YYYY format.)

  • Therapist Name: (Write the name of the therapist conducting the session.)

  • Therapist License Number: (Provide the therapist's license number for verification.)

  • Contact Information: (Include the therapist's contact number or email for follow-up.)

Session Information

  • Duration of Session: ______________ minutes
    (Indicate the length of the session in minutes.)

  • Session Type: (Individual / Group / Family)
    (Specify the type of therapy session conducted.)

  • Location: (Note the location of the session, or specify if it was conducted online.)

  • Telehealth (if applicable): (Yes / No)
    (Mark whether the session was conducted via telehealth.)

Presenting Concerns

  • Chief Complaint:
    (Summarize the main issue the patient is seeking help for.)

  • History of Presenting Concern:
    (Provide a brief history of the current issue, including onset and duration.)

  • Relevant Past Medical History:
    (Include any significant past medical or psychological history that may be relevant.)

Mental Status Examination

  • Appearance: (Describe the patient's physical appearance, grooming, and attire.)

  • Mood: (Document the patient's reported mood (e.g., depressed, anxious, stable).)

  • Affect: (Describe the emotional expression of the patient during the session.)

  • Thought Process: (Note if the patient's thoughts were coherent, logical, disorganized, etc.)

  • Thought Content: (Record any significant thoughts, including delusions or obsessions.)

  • Insight: (Assess the patient’s understanding of their condition and treatment.)

  • Judgment: (Evaluate the patient’s decision-making abilities and risk awareness.)

Interventions Provided

  • Techniques Used: (e.g., CBT, DBT, Mindfulness)
    (List the therapeutic techniques applied during the session.)

  • Topics Discussed:
    (Summarize the main topics or issues discussed during the session.)

  • Patient Engagement Level: (Low / Moderate / High)
    (Assess and note the patient’s level of engagement in the session.)

Plan for the Next Session

  • Focus Areas for the Next Session:
    (Identify key areas to focus on during the next appointment.)

  • Homework Assignments:
    (Document any assignments given to the patient for practice between sessions.)

  • Next Appointment Date: (Schedule and note the date and time of the next session.)

Additional Notes: (Include any other relevant information or observations not covered above.)

Therapist Signature: (The therapist should sign and date the note to confirm its accuracy.)

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