Table of Contents
- 5 Steps to Write a Financial Service Email
- 10+ Financial Service Email Templates
- 1. Standard Financial Engagement Email
- 2. Financial Service Email Example
- 3. Basic Financial Service Email Template
- 4. Modern Financial Services Email
- 5. Sample Email for Financial Services
- 6. Elegant Financial Service Email
- 7. Financial Services Email Download
- 8. Printable Financial Service Email Template
- 9. Simple Financial Services Email
- 10. Corporate Financial Services Email
- 11. General Financial Service Email Template
10+ Financial Service Email Templates
A financial business email also called as an engagement letter is sent by a financial company to a client who has requested their financial services, to confirm that they will provide such services to the client. This email will also include in-depth details of the services that will be provided and the terms of agreement concerning payments and limited liability.

5 Steps to Write a Financial Service Email
Step 1: Thank the Client for Choosing Your Services
First of all, you need to thank the client for choosing your company and services above others. Assure him that you and your team will do your best to provide quality services which include financial planning, filing of tax returns and regular financial assistance throughout the year.
Step 2: Mention the Documents That You Will Need to Examine
You need to specify exactly which documents and accounts you will require to complete the process of creating financial statements and handling tax rebates. State that you will maintain confidentiality while using these documents and will not disclose such information to anyone else for any reason whatsoever.
Step 3: Specify the Responsibilities of the Client
The client is expected to share authentic and accurate details about his income and finances to get proper guidance and assistance from the financial planner. It is thus his responsibility to maintain and produce all supporting data to help in the rendering of professional financial services.
Step 4: Include a Disclaimer Clause
Here you can state that you are not responsible for the authenticity of the accounts that you have handled and that you will not verify the details therein. Your liability will be limited to the services that you have agreed to provide for the payment agreed upon in the agreement.
Step 5: Specify the Terms of Payment
Make sure that you clarify the terms of payment while drafting the agreement itself. State that the amount of payment/service charges payable may vary depending upon the nature and complexity of the task, the risks involved and the time taken for the completion and implementation of the financial plan.
10+ Financial Service Email Templates
1. Standard Financial Engagement Email

This is a standard free business email template also called as an engagement letter which confirms the terms of service between the finance company and the client. According to these terms, the company will provide taxation and accounting services based on the data submitted by the client, while safeguarding his information and maintaining confidentiality throughout the process.
2. Financial Service Email Example

This is a service business email invitation that is used to confirm a service that will be provided to the client and to underline the various professional financial aspects that the company will handle as per the terms of the agreement. It is however clearly explained that the responsibility of providing authentic details lies with the client as the company will not be responsible for the correctness of the information recorded.
3. Basic Financial Service Email Template

This email template in PDF is written to inform the client about the financial services that will be provided to a partnership firm. As per the terms of the agreement the financial and taxation services provided will be limited to those of the partnership firm accounts and no others unless specifically asked to do so. The service company will also not conduct any verification of the data provided.
4. Modern Financial Services Email

This is a financial outlook email template which is sent by a financial service company to an individual client to inform him that he will be provided taxation and accounting services which will be limited to the business and the auditor will depend on the authenticity of the data provided by the client for submission of tax returns.
5. Sample Email for Financial Services

This is a professional email template sent to a client who will be availing the services of a taxation firm to assist in the filing of its income tax returns. The client is provided with a questionnaire that the auditor will use to identify deductions from the tax payable. There are also two attachments to the mail that the client will need to fill up and endorse to commence with the services.
6. Elegant Financial Service Email

This is an elegant and attractive sample email template that provides details about the various financial services offered by a well-known company. The email is not specifically addressed to a single client but is part of a promotional booklet that can be attached and sent to all those associated with the business to make more people aware of the services they provide.
7. Financial Services Email Download

This is a sample email marketing template for financial service that confirms the association of the financial service company with the client. It specifies the services that will be provided on a monthly and yearly basis. Other details regarding the limited liability of service and terms of payment are also clearly mentioned.
8. Printable Financial Service Email Template

Here is another financial email template design that is used to underline the nature and extent of the financial services that will be provided to the client, for which he will need to provide confidential information to the service company. Answering some critical questions regarding the possession of foreign assets and finances will be a part of such disclosures.
9. Simple Financial Services Email

This is an editable cold email template design that can be used by financial service providers to make the client aware of the terms and conditions under which the financial and accounting services will be provided to his company. This is a sample template that can be easily edited in Microsoft Word.
10. Corporate Financial Services Email

This financial email template is used to convey the financial planning service that will be provided to a client as a result of the agreement they have signed up. The email focuses in detail on the various activities that will be carried out in developing, implementing and maintaining this plan, as well as the objectives, limitations, and terms of the agreement.
11. General Financial Service Email Template

This is a financial service email template that is used to convey details about the two phases of financial services that will be offered to the client. The email also makes it clear that the costs of these services will depend on the complexity of the task, the risks involved and the time taken for the implementation of the plans.