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Blog Post Sizes

Blog post sizes are vital components to a successful blog post as readers can relate to a blog’s content when its contents are precise and informative to its target audience. Generate a well-written blog post with featured and blog post images that attract readers to continue reading the contents of a blog and perform related actions.

Blog Post Sizes Standard

Landscape Sizes

A 1200 x 628-pixel blog post image size is one of the most common sizes for the many blogging platforms and websites that enables writers to create and develop their articles. The specific image size supplements writing business topics, and individuals can incorporate them into personal websites to market content. The 1200 x 628 pixels work for many social media websites and platforms for featured images like Facebook to entice readers to read through their blog posts after redirecting to the homepage or blog entry.

Square Sizes

Bloggers and writers use the 1000 x 1000 pixels for their featured and blog images when opting for a square thumbnail to appear in their blog post page archive. Generate a square blog post image to accompany different topics for blog posts, including lifestyle, fashion, and travel articles for a brand. Create the image blog post with 1000 x 1000 pixels to improve the overall quality, readability, and presentation of the layout to make readers go through its entirety.

Portrait Sizes

The 900 x 1200 pixel blog post image corresponds to a portrait-size photograph that individuals and organizations use to supplement their blog posts. The 900 x 1200 pixel image or graphic acts as marketing material, like a flyer or poster, to attract readers to avail of products or services from the company. Ensure that the layout of the blog post enables readers to digest and understand each section of the article, along with a beautiful graphic image containing a call-to-action statement.

Blog Post Sizes for Digital

Blog Post Size for WordPress

WordPress is one of the many blogging platforms businesses and individuals use to structure their articles and blog posts. It is open-source software that organizations and people use for their personal and business articles, sharing their ideas, logs, and experiences with audiences. When hosting blog post images on WordPress, the hosting site recommends its users upload an image size with dimensions of 1200 x 628 pixels.

Blog Post Size for Wix

Wix is an example of a cloud-based web hosting service that enables people to create websites, including blogging sites for different companies and startups. It enables an organization to develop a profile that customers visit to obtain more information about a product or service. Generate a blog post that outlines the products and services of an entity together; a blog post image complements the content using 1200 x 630 pixels.

Blog Post Size for LinkedIn

LinkedIn is a social networking platform for many professionals, containing lists of organizations and businesses from different fields. LinkedIn contains a blogging feature that enables users to read about different marketing strategies, recommendations, reviews, and other relevant content. When adding blog post images to the blog post, LinkedIn recommends its users use 1200 x 627 pixels for graphic images.

Blog Post Size for Tumblr

Tumblr is a social networking and micro-blogging platform that enables users to create blog posts and share them with different users. Tumblr users can develop simple blog posts they can share using links to other social media platforms, including Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook. When formatting or designing the blog post, insert a blog post image with dimensions of 1280 x 1920 pixels for the best optimization.

Blog Post Size for HubSpot CMS

Hubspot is a CRM (customer relationship management) platform that contains valuable information to grow a business towards sales, marketing, and other aspects. Using the HubSpot CMS (content management system), users and businesses can develop content to match their organization. Upload blog post images and designs with dimensions of 1750 x 875 pixels for the featured blog image.

Blog Post Sizes for Business

Businesses market various products and services, making it advantageous for a company to create a checklist or list of these items. Blog posts help collate the information and share them with target markets together with information on each item as a marketing strategy. Blog posts display on web browsers with the standard dimensions of 1200 x 630 pixels.

Blog Post Sizes for Adobe Photoshop

Adobe Photoshop is a photo-editing software that enables users to create images and graphics to supplement their marketing plans. Individuals use the application to develop infographics, cover images, or thumbnails for their online sales campaigns. Develop a blog post image for a webpage or website using Adobe Photoshop with dimensions of 1200 x 628 for different blogging websites.

Blog Post Sizes for Adobe Illustrator

Adobe Illustrator is another Adobe product specializing in crafting vector-based graphic designs for different print and digital media. Companies also use Adobe Illustrator to develop and outline blog content through informative images. Develop the graphic using the application with dimension sizes that match the hosting platform, adjusting the canvas to 1200 x 627 pixels for LinkedIn blog posts.

Blog Post Sizes FAQs

What is the ideal size for a blog post?

The ideal length for a blog post is about 1500 to 2000 words for long blog posts, while 200 to 500 words for shorter blog posts.

How many tags should you put on a blog post?

When inputting tags to a blog post, incorporate ten tags per blog post.

Are 1000 words enough for a blog post?

Creating a blog post with 1000 words is enough to rank up and appear in search engine result pages.

How long must a blog post range?

The recommended blog post length needs to be at least 300 words.

What is the layout of a blog post?

The classic blog post layout comprises a header image with a single-column post and a few sidebar features.

How do you write a blog post?

When writing a blog post, individuals must brainstorm a topic, use keyword search techniques, specify a target audience, develop an outline, compose attractive content and headline, select a readable layout, and generate a blog URL.

What is the ideal structure for a blog post?

A blog post structure must consist of a headline, introduction, table of contents, headings and sub-headings, body paragraphs, blog images, call-to-action statements, and concluding remarks.

How many words should a blog post contain?

Ideally, blog posts must have between 500 to 1000 words.

What is the recommended image size for the web?

The recommended image size for web blog posts must be within 2500 pixels in width.

What is the ideal image size for SEO?

Google recommends the image size must be at least 1200 pixels wide for its advanced SEO searches.

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