Generic Termination Letter

Generic Termination Letter

July, 1, 2050

Levi Martin

IT Support

Stellar Ventures

404 Oak Lane

Rivertown, TX 85005

Dear Mr. Martin,

We regret to inform you that as of the date of this letter, you are being relieved of your duties with our company. Reviewing the events and circumstances leading up to this point, we have concluded that we must part ways now. This termination is effective immediately. We hope you understand that this decision was not taken lightly but made only after extensive consideration.

While we acknowledge the contributions you have made during your tenure, it has unfortunately become clear that the needs of our company and your performance do not align in a manner that would benefit both parties in the long run. We wish you all the best in your future endeavors. Our human resource team will be available to assist you with any final payroll or benefit questions.


Hunter Butler

HR Manager

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