12+ Mission Statement Templates
In order to achieve any objective, you should have a clear plan of action. Having a plan of action would not suffice in its entirety. You should share your mission with your team members as well. This would enable them to participate in your mission and help it to become successful. The need of the hour is to formulate the plan and document it. The Mission Statement Templates with the Internal Link Anchor Text would enable you to do the needful. You may also see statement samples.

Statement Template Bundle

Mission Statement Template
Restaurant Mission Statement Template
Mission Statement Word Template

Statement of Purpose Template in MS Word

Personal Mission Statement Template

Any mission you take up should have a proper plan for you to achieve. The plan should include the details of your goals and the means you would apply for achieving the goals. The Personal Mission Statement Template enables you to achieve this objective. You may also see Cash Flow Statement Templates.
Mission Statement Template For Business

In order to achieve any set of goals for a company or an organization, you require a plan of action. You know this plan as a mission statement. This Mission Statement Template for business includes the name of the organization, its mission, objectives, and means to achieve the same.
Mission Statement Template For Nonprofits

This is a mission statement template for nonprofit organizations. They require this statement for the enhancement of quality of life of the citizens through their services, resources, and responsibilities. This statement details the core values of such organizations.
Company Mission Statement Template

Every company has to observe certain safety rules. In order to achieve the set safety norms, you should have a plan in action. This Company Mission Statement Template assists you in formulating the plan of action. This statement would include the names of the persons responsible for the fructification of the plan. It would include the details of the procedure as well.
Team Mission Statement Template

Leadership strategies and ethics involve the formulation of plans for its achievement. Managing teams is an art. Having a plan of action always helps in managing the common mission of the team. The Team Mission Statement Template would be of great assistance in achieving the objective.
Retail Mission Statement Template

The objective of any retail organization is to make profits. You can make your profits in two ways. One is by increasing the income and the other is by reducing the expenses. You should have a plan for this. The Retail Mission Statement Template would help you in organizing and optimizing your profits.
School Mission Statement Template

For any initiative to succeed, you need a plan and a mission. It is more important to share your mission and objectives with your team as well. This is the rationale behind the School Mission Statement Template. The mission would include the purpose of the study, the rationale, and the methodology to achieve the objectives.
Church Mission Statement Template

Just as every profession has a mission to succeed, a church has one too. The mission of the churches is to drive home the message of the Almighty. This would entail teaching, baptizing new believers as well as responding to humanity needs. The Church Mission Statement Template helps you achieve these goals.
Commerce Mission Statement Template

The Government of any country or state has a mission to build the future of the nation by creating economic growth, development, and improved living standards. The Commerce Mission Statement Template helps the Governmental departments to formulate a clear plan of action.
> How do You Write a Personal Mission Statement Template?
When you sit down to write a personal mission statement, you should have three clear objectives in mind. You have to assess your past as well. The first point to note is to do an introspection of your achievements of the past. You should concentrate on the areas you have done well. You may also see Financial Statement Templates.
You should also give thought to your weaknesses and try to strengthen them. This forms the second part of writing a personal mission statement. The third and most important is to document what you have learned in the process. This would give you a clear view of what you wish to achieve in life.
> Mission Statement Vs Vision Statement:
What is the difference? When you speak of a mission statement, you should have a vision of what you would like to achieve. The documentation of your aims and objectives forms the basis of a vision statement. The mission statement is the documentation of the ways and means you plan to employ to achieve the objectives. You may also see Income Statement Templates.
This is the main difference between the two statements. In a mission statement, you do an introspection of your strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and your threats. This would enable you to have a clear idea. The mission statement is the journey whereas the vision statement would be your destination.
> Benefits of a Mission Statement
There are many benefits of having a mission statement. They are as follows.
- You have a clear plan ahead of you. You know the destination and you know the route as well. The mission statement would enable you to traverse the route in the right manner.
- The mission statement would give you an idea about your weaknesses as well as your strengths.
- This would enable you to strengthen your weaknesses and convert them into your strengths.
- It would list out the opportunities before you and list out the threats as well.
- It would also help you in negating the threats and take full advantage of the opportunities to achieve your objectives.
Having a set of objectives to achieve is one aspect of life. Formulating a plan to achieve the objectives is another aspect. The Mission statements template with the Internal Link Anchor Text helps you in documenting your plan of action. This would enable you to move ahead in a systematic manner, as you would know the route you have to traverse.