12+ Paint Vectors
Vectors are primarily designs for anything. Images are one of the main concerns on why vectors are used. Needless to say, colors are also important to come up with attractive vectors. Paint vector designs are commonly used to see which colors match and which of these don’t. Color content may also vary, and colors on vectors are why vectors look more pleasing and convincing.
The details of colors even matter as to which shade overlaps what and what shade isn’t too vibrant to use. All these specifications are indirect factors to adding colors to vectors. Paint vectors often work with matching colors.
Splash Paint Vector
Rainbow Paint Splash
Graffiti Paint Vector
Peeling Paint Vector
Paint Art Vector
Watercolor Paint Vector
Vibrant Paint Vector
Circle Paint Vector
Importance of Color
Colors to images improves mood. That is the main reason why choosing the perfect mixture of paint vectors is important. Colors should compliment with each other so as not to get too much contrasts for each. Here are the things you need to know about the colors you pick:
- Color temperatures. Make sure you know what consists of warm and cool colors. As colors tend to have their own way of expressing, you must also know how to get along with the colors you pick.
- Color breakdown. You always have to start with picking colors for bigger spaces down to the minimal ones. When you look for colors of your paint vectors, see to it which colors take up the most that attracts mood.
- Color palette. You just have to know which colors should compliment best or which ones should be used purely as it is without shade. Some are those that exist in pattern in the color wheel. You certainly have to go over the color wheel and see how everything matches.
Basically, what you have to think about when picking the right colors is just its impact to yourself and your audience. See splatter vectors and
check out the playful colors you might like!
Paint Stroke Vector
Spray Paint Vector
Abstract Paint Vector
Splatter Paint Vector
Grunge Paint Vector
Paint Vector Styles
You could now also check on different styles of how you want to present the colors you have picked. Color schemes are made available for you to add a particular color to your paint vector presentation. See these suggestions on how colors of your paint vectors could be presented:
- Dripping vectors. This style may seem more of a natural one. It portrays art from the reality. Ever seen actual paint dripping? That is some admirable art in there.
- Spray vectors. This style is now made easy for you. You would not need to really spray paint and see its actual effects for your design. These vectors will save you a lot of time.
- Vibrant vectors. Some designs might need vibrant colors to attract more. Your paint vectors would sometimes come in these colors, and there are displays that catch more attention in vibrant or even contrasting colors.
- Graffiti vectors. These are a variety of colors that are illicitly painted without worrying too much on color schemes. These are mostly suggested in street arts and freelance wall paintings.
There are two important things when choosing the right color for your paint vectors: (1) these vectors must be attractive content and color wise and (2) these should be of high quality and value.