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50+ Plan Samples, Format & Examples 2023

Businesses necessarily tend to involve various documents. A plan, regardless of what type it is, is one of them. Planning guides action by defining how to do the work in advance. It also ensures that goals and objectives are specified to guide them in selecting what action to take and in which direction to pursue it. Because these documents are so significant in so many ways, it’s critical to learn everything you can about them and find ways to obtain them. For those who want to skip the time-consuming creation process, having the right plan templates might help.

To create a Plan of your very own, follow the following steps:

  • Browse through several Plan designs for inspiration and ideas for your own Plan.
  • Customize Online or Download in your preferred File format and Print As Required.


If you’re one of those people, then this article is for you. Scroll down, and you’ll see a bunch of plan examples and formats below. We’ve got at least fifty different samples that you can choose and use. What are you waiting for? Read now!

1. Business Plan Sample

Whatever the nature of the plan, there is a lot that goes into it. A quarterly business plan, such as the one below, is essential for keeping everyone involved informed about what’s going on.

quarterly business plan template Use This Business Plan Sample

2. Business Plan Sample

Business plans are necessary for every company or business to know what’s going on and how to approach if ever there are errors or problems that may arise. You can take the sample below as your reference.

screenshot from 2021 0


Download at Harvard Business School

3. Lesson Plan Sample

Teachers must create a clear plan for their teaching goals, learning objectives, and methods for achieving them. What better way to go about it than by creating a lesson plan?

basic daily lesson plan template Use This Lesson Plan Sample

4. Lesson Plan Sample

For teachers, lesson plans are part of their lives. They can use the sample below if they’re having a hard time constructing their own lesson plan>screenshot from 2021 07 29 13 09 0

Download at Harrow

5. Meal Plan Sample

For those people who want to maintain their diets, creating a meal plan can help. You can use the template below as your reference.

fitness meal plan template Use This Meal Plan Sample

6. Meal Plan Sample

It is essential to plan your daily meal, especially if you’re on a strict diet to stay on track. The sample below can help you.

screenshot from 2021 07 29 13 0

Download at Hemophilia Fed

7. Project Plan Sample

Much like other plan types, Project plans are crucial in every company. Executives prefer to have such before starting any projects to measure everything and ensure to achieve the goals.

advertising project plan template Use This Project Plan Sample

8. Project Plan Sample

Project plans are as essential as business plans as they can help marketers or executives know and measure everything to avoid errors and achieve the goals.

screenshot from 2021 07 29 13 0

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9. Marketing Plan Sample

There are so many things marketers or companies can accomplish by creating a detailed and credible marketing plan. It helps them make an organizational plan to cater to the company and customer needs.

e commerce marketing plan template Use This Marketing Plan Sample

10. Marketing Plan Sample

Much like business and project plans, marketing plans also share the same importance as they are. With such documents, marketers will know the right approach to provide to all of their customers’ needs.

screenshot from 2021 07 29 13 00


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11. Action Plan Sample

There are so many things companies or marketers need to reach the goal by making a complete and detailed action plan. It lays forth the steps that must be performed to accomplish a given objective.


simple action plan Use This Action Plan Sample

12. Action Plan Sample

Action plans are essential to most business as it helps them know the steps they need to do to achieve the goal they have.

screenshot from 2021 0

Download at World Federation of Hemophilia

13. Strategic Plan Sample

All marketers want to know the direction of their projects and businesses. That is why they need to create a detailed and informative strategic plan to stay on track and develop the right goals and targets and help everyone focus their efforts on meeting them.

channel strategy plan template Use This Strategic Plan Sample

14. Strategic Plan Sample

Strategic plans are equally important as other plans you may have in your business. It is the one that accumulates all the possible targets and helps marketers achieve them.

screenshot from 2021 0

Download at NELLCO

15. Management Plan Sample

Most, if not all, marketers require management plans to assist them in identifying potential risks and obstacles as early as feasible, allowing them to alter strategy and provide assistance.

management plan template Use This Management Plan Sample

16.Management Plan Sample

Every business relies heavily on management planning. It assists corporations or enterprises in developing a shared understanding of what a project seeks to accomplish and how it will accomplish it.

screenshot from 2021 0

Download at AcqNotes

17. Financial Plan Sample

Managing the finances of the company is very crucial since it is the foundation of its operation. Creating a detailed and informative financial plan can help them achieve goals, manage their income, expenses, and investments, and track their financial activities.

financial plan template Use This Financial Plan Sample

18. Financial Plan Sample

A financial plan is a crucial document in every company. It enables firms to meet their immediate financial demands while also planning for long-term financial security.

screenshot from 2021 0

Download at MoneyTree

19. Work Plan Sample

Many things companies can do with a detailed and specific work plan. It helps them in visualizing the goal, objectives, duties, and team members that are in charge of each area.

work plan format template Use This Work Plan Sample

20. Work Plan Sample

Work plans are essential to any business, particularly to those handling large projects. It helps them organize and accomplish their desired goals.

screenshot from 2021 0

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21. Startup Plan Sample

A startup plan is an essential document for startup companies. It helps them establish their plans for the future.

advertising agency startup plan Use This Startup Plan Sample

22. Workout Plan Sample

For people who are fitness conscious, a workout plan can help them a lot. It provides them with structure so that they aren’t wondering what to do next.

weight loss workout plan template Use This Workout Plan Sample

23. Exercise Plan Sample

The exercise plan is pretty similar to the workout plan. It’s a map that shows the client exactly what actions they’ll need to take to go to their desired destination. According to research, creating goals enhances the likelihood of sticking to them and achieving the desired results.

personal exercise plan template Use This Exercise Plan Sample

24. Communication Plan Sample

A key factor to define who needs to be informed and aware of about the project, how often information will be distributed, and who will be responsible for the distribution is creating a communication plan.

strategic communication plan template Use This Communication Plan Sample

25. Sales Plan Sample

If you want to boost your sales and lead generation, you better make a sales plan. It lays out your company’s sales goals and methods, and the measures you’ll take to achieve them.

basic sales plan template Use This Sales Plan Sample

26. Care Plan Sample

One of the most significant functions or purposes of care plans is to guarantee that a person’s care is consistent. That is why it is very much essential.

child care plan template Use This Care Plan Sample

27. Transition Plan Sample

A transition plan is essential in every persons. It is a set of activities that support a person’s transition from work and independent living.

transition plan template Use This Transition Plan Sample

28. Development Plan Sample

A development plan plays a vital role in every company. It’s a tool that helps employees advance in their careers and personal lives. Its main function is to help employees achieve short and long-term career objectives and also improving present job performance.

skills development plan template Use This Development Plan Sample

29. Implementation Plan Sample

Before implementing any policies or tasks, you should have to plan them first. Creating an implementation plan can be quite beneficial since it gives a framework for defining the tasks or actions required to put each best practice into action.

free project implementation plan template Use This Implementation Plan Sample

30. Continuity Plan Sample

A continuity plan also plays a vital role in every business. Its goal is to protect workers and assets while also ensuring that they can function swiftly in the event of a crisis.

work from home business continuity plan template Use This Continuity Plan Sample

31. Safety Plan Sample

To ensure the safety of workers and other personnel, creating a safety plan can help you. It explains how to identify physical and health hazards that may endanger workers, how to prevent accidents, and what to do if an accident occurs.

safety plan template Use This Safety Plan Sample

32. Test Plan Sample

Creating a test plan can help small or beginning businesses determine the work required to validate the quality of the application under test.

test plan template Use This Test Plan Sample

33. 30 60 90 Plan Sample

A 30 60 90 plan can help newbies to set and meet their goals in a span of three months since it is a document used to set goals and strategize the first three months in a new job.

free 30 60 90 day plan template Use This 30 60 90 Plan Sample

34. Quality Control Plan Sample

All companies want to provide quality services and products to their customers. That is it is a great help to make a quality control plan.

product quality control plan template Use This Quality Control Plan Sample

35. Staff Training Plan Sample

Before training the staff, there should be preparations and planning. A staff training plan can also help them provide proper training and coaching.

simple staff training and development plan template Use This Staff Training Plan Sample

36. Operational Plan Sample

There are many things organization personnel may learn by creating an operational plan as it provides them with a clear image of their job and responsibilities together with the goals and objectives contained within the strategic plan.

team operational plan template Use This Operational Plan Sample

37. Crisis Management Plan Sample

To ensure that you’ll never experience such a crisis or even reduce some, you should make a crisis management plan. It is designed to help companies and management to recover from the effects of crisis efficiently and effectively.

simple crisis management action plan template Use This Crisis Management Plan Sample

38. Operations Management Plan Sample

Companies benefit greatly from creating an operations management plan because it allows them to maximize efficiency while producing goods and services that successfully meet client expectations.

security operations management plan template Use This Operations Management Plan Sample

39. Evaluation Plan Sample

If you have no idea how to monitor your company or employees, the best thing to do is to create an evaluation plan. It explains how you plan to monitor and evaluate your organization, as well as how you plan to use assessment results to enhance your company and make decisions.

sample evaluation plan template Use This Evaluation Plan Sample

40. Assessment Plan Sample

An assessment plan is quite similar to an evaluation plan. It helps you monitor and evaluate everything that is happening within your organization.

quality assessment plan template Use This Assessment Plan Sample

41. Behavior Modification Plan Sample

A behavior modification plan is also an important document that you need to know. It helps you or your child who struggles with their behavior. Behavior modification is a technique for replacing undesirable behaviors with desired ones.

behavior modification treatment plan template Use This Behavior Modification Plan Sample

42. Employee Compensation Plan Sample

Having an employee compensation plan can help you determine how much compensation should your employees deserve. You can also identify what kind of compensation suits them well.

employee compensation plan template Use This Employee Compensation Plan Sample

43. Data Analysis Plan Sample

A data analysis plan plays a vital role in every business. It’s a crucial step in ensuring that you collect all of the information you require and that you put it to good use.

qualitative data analysis plan template Use This Data Analysis Plan Sample

44. Recovery Plan Sample

Disasters may strike any time of the day that could cause a mess in your company. That is why it is important to have a recovery plan to help your company recover as quickly as possible.

crisis recovery plan template Use This Recovery Plan Sample

45. Evacuation Plan Sample

If ever there are disasters and other phenomena that may arise, having an evacuation plan can help you and your employees. It tells employees where is the exact place to go.

building evacuation plan poster template Use This Evacuation Plan Sample

46. Pandemic Plan Sample

As we are facing a disastrous virus today, a pandemic plan can help you and your employees be aware of how to deal with such a situation and you can provide them easily some of the essential services they need.

workplace pandemic plan template Use This Pandemic Plan Sample

47. Brand Plan Sample

Advertising your brand takes a lot of effort. You should make a detailed brand plan to know what are your goals and what strategies you should do to achieve them.

brand plan template Use This Brand Plan Plan Sample

48. Promotion Plan Sample

If you want to promote your business, you also have to create a promotion plan just like the brand plan. It can help you set your goals and know the right strategy to catch your customers’ attention.

promotion plan template Use This Promotion Plan Sample

49. Campaign Plan Sample

To generate your lead and sales, creating a campaign plan can help you a lot. Its goal is to engage people, and it usually focuses on content marketing and an integrated media strategy.

brand campaign plan template Use This Campaign Plan Sample

50. PR Plan Sample

To manage your company’s public reception, you should make a PR plan. It helps you meet the needs of your customers by determining who your intended audience is, how to approach them, and resolving the issue.

prplan template Use This PR Plan Sample


In reality, almost every plan type or variation will have its own unique format. There are even those that follow a specific format depending on the company. However, all of them still contain common elements in their format. Scroll down and let’s get started with the first of these frequent elements.

1. Cover or Title Page

To start things off, a plan should have a cover or title page. It serves as an indication about what kind of plan and what the can audience expect about it. This page contains all the necessary details, including the brand name, title, names, and date.

2. Mission and Vision Statement

It should also contain the mission and vision statement of a company. These statements can effectively communicate a company’s intentions and drive their team or business to attain a compelling future vision.

3. Goals and Objectives

Aside from that, it should have goals and objectives. A plan without a goal is similar to living a life without a soul. While a plan describes the means and methods for allocating scarce resources to meet stated aims, goals are the ultimate targets, and achieving them guarantees that plans succeed.

4. Marketing Strategy

Most plans have a marketing strategy. It is critical to any company’s success. Companies tend to lack concentration if without a marketing strategy.

5. Operations

Aside from marketing strategies, a plan should also contain a list of operations. It is where the members of the board know what kind of strategy or operation they will need to do to achieve the goals of the company.

6. Financial Forecasts

Financial forecasts are essential in every type of plan as they will determine how much money or budget a company may need to achieve its goals. That is why it should be included in a plan.

7. Appendices

Appendices are required for reports that rely on external sources for information. This prevents the person preparing the plan from claiming ownership of the information.

General FAQs

What is a plan?

A plan is a precise strategy or proposal for doing or accomplishing anything.

What is a purpose of a plan?

Management can use planning to look into the future and find appropriate alternative courses of action. Planning assists management in gaining a clear picture of the future and formulating an appropriate action plan.

Why is planning important?

Planning helps rigorously in analyzing the goal to see if it is achievable. It also helps in decision-making and enables the establishment to set a timeline by predicting when the organization will reach its objective.

Is a business plan worth it?

Potential investors and sponsors want to see your business ideas lead to possible set out in hard facts and figures. The best and, in most cases, the only appropriate way to give this information is through a business plan.

What are the main types of planning?

There are many types of plans. A few of them are the following:

  • Operational planning
  • Strategic planning
  • Tactical planning
  • Continuity planning

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